Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Testimonial for NorthIowaForSaleByOwner.com

Scott Roberts of Mason City is another example of how homeowners are saving thousands of dollars by selling FSBO! Scott posted his house on northiowafsbo.com at the beginning of the year and is scheduled to close in the next few weeks!

"I took your advice and put up a lot of arrow signs which led to my house," said Roberts. "That brought a lot of lookers. But the person who is buying it found my home on your website."

Scott spent $80 to advertise his home on northiowafsbo.com for two months. At closing, he's set to save $4,620 in realtor commission fees. Congratulations, Scott!
For more advice on selling FSBO, go to our tips page on http://www.northiowaforsalebyowner.com